Sunday, March 04, 2007

Thursday, March 1st – UNO!

One of my favorite people on this ship is my Romanian keyboard player, Vasile. We get along very well, we eat dinner together often, and in our spare time, we play Uno. We’ve had a little sort of personal ‘tournament’ going on since about mid-January. One day we just played a friendly game together, and a few days later I challenged him to a re-match, and so on and so forth, and now we’ve played 15 games! For a while there, it was neck-and-neck: he’d win one, then I’d catch up to tie him, then he’d pull ahead again.

But about a week ago, I finally caught up to tie him, then on the next game I took the lead! Three games later, I’m ahead 9 games to six. We’ve only got a week and a half left, so he’s got some hard work ahead of him if he’s going to beat me before this contract is through. Good luck, Vasile – bring it on!!!

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